What Does Copy Mean and Why Is Copywriting Important for your Online Business?


This is the very first blog post I’m ever going to publish, so firstly I’d like to welcome you to both my web and blog. Today we’re going to answer one of the most frequently asked questions among marketing beginners and those looking to improve their website’s content.  

Probably you’ve landed on this blog article because you’re curious or because you’re looking for ways to improve your website’s SEO. Either way, we’re going to explain what copy means in marketing is and why it is important for your online business. 

1. What Does Copy Mean?

This is one of the questions that I get asked quite often by clients, friends and family. When I tell them I’m a copywriter, the word ‘copy’ generally leads to confusion. 

In Marketing, copy means written content. In other words, ‘copy’ refers to any written material created for any marketing, advertising or editorial tool. A marketing tool might be a website; an advertising tool might be an advert; and an editorial tool might be a book. 

This is how simple it is. Copy is the written content of all your different platforms

What is a copywriter?

This could be a section of its own, but we can leave that for future blog articles so we can explain a copywriter’s role in further detail. 

To sum up, a copywriter is a writer who creates content for commercial or advertising purposes

Have you watched ‘Mad Men’? If you haven’t and you’re into marketing and advertising, I highly recommend it. Elizabeth Moss’ character Peggy is a great example of what a copywriter was in the 60’s. A copywriter’s role has evolved substantially over the years, especially since the advent of digitalization. However, generally speaking, this character very well encompasses what a copywriter does. 

Elizabeth Moss’ character in Mad Men is a good example of what a copywriter was in the 60’s. ‘Heinz. The Only Ketchup’ is the copy she created for a fictional Heinz’ advertising campaign.

Elizabeth Moss’ character in Mad Men is a good example of what a copywriter was in the 60’s. ‘Heinz. The Only Ketchup’ is the copy she created for a fictional Heinz’ advertising campaign.

2. Why Is Copy Important For Your Online Business?

The copy of your different marketing tools is what will ultimately transform a reader into a customer. Therefore, it’s important that it is informative, attractive and persuasive. 

If you work in marketing or advertising, you might be familiar with the well-known quote ‘content is key’. Nothing is further from the truth. 

Let’s make a brief digression. 

You might be wondering what we mean by content. As I normally do when I find a better definition that my own, I’ll use someone else’s words to explain this. On this occasion, I will quote an expert in the field and founder of one of the biggest digital marketing agencies in the USA. According to Portent’s CEO Ian Laurie, this is what content is: 

Content isn't 'stuff we write to rank higher' or 'infographics' or 'long-form articles.' Content is anything that communicates a message to the audience. Anything.

Having said this, I’d like to share the following conclusion I’ve drawn after years of creating written content for different businesses and industries. All the content of your online business communicate: from the photos you use to your website’s loading times. It’s up to you to decide whether what it communicates helps you sell your product or service or if it has the opposite effect.  

Let’s continue. 

Regardless of the channel you use to keep in touch with your target audience, your copy is the main tool you should use to inform and convince them. Therefore, content is key and the copy is the main ingredient of your content. 

Copywriters have the knowledge and the experience needed to make the copy of your website, or any other platform, stand out and showcase your product or service in the best possible light.  

As a copywriter, I can help you create written content that helps you achieve your goals through all your different platforms. I invite you to have a look at my different copywriting services and get in touch with any question or enquiry.